Food Aroma
An extensive market research for a food distribution company looking to future-proof their business and expand its services
Food Aroma is a broadline food distribution company in Saudi Arabia, mainly targeting f&b and hospitality industries (hotels, cafes, catering firms and restaurants, etc). With a future vision of becoming a one-stop-shop for the f&b businesses and expanding to the B2C market, they commissioned Blue Hat, to perform an extensive market research that gathers local and international insights on the food distribution industry, f&b market and on the changing consumer behavior.
We set up our research methodology around three main research questions and detailed them as the following;
1. What are the latest trends and updates happening in the food distribution industry internationally?
- We studied the market size, growth opportunities and future forecasts including the global triggers to change and risks to be aware of,
- We gathered top trends happening globally, including new technologies to improve their processes,
- We checked global players to assess competitiveness and to identify any innovative business models out there.
2. What are the latest trends and updates happening in the food distribution industry locally?
- We studied the market size, dynamics, growth opportunities and risks,
- We checked local players to assess competitiveness and to identify any gaps in the market,
- We looked for the possibilities to expand to the B2C market.
3. What are the latest trends and updates happening in the F&B world?
- We gathered top trends happening in the hospitality industry, cafes, restaurants, catering, retail and events,
- We analyzed the changing consumer behavior and the social landscape in Saudi Arabia with the effects of these changes on end user’s consumption patterns,
- We searched for trending foods and foods of the future in order to stay ahead of the game.
We delivered a complete market study report that consists of four main sections;
- International Food Distribution Trends
- Consumer Behavior in KSA
- Food Distribution Industry in KSA
- Innovative Futures
We also presented and explained our research findings to the decision makers of Food Aroma.

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